Corporate Philosophy
Our Ideal
We aim to be a group contributing to the food culture and health
of the world through "great taste, empathy, and uniqueness"
Corporate principles
Act on moral principles
Strive for original and ingenuity
Look after parent's well being
Complying with group policies, we strive to earn the highest degree
of trust from our customers and stakeholders
Words to remember: “The world is fairer than you imagine”
Toichiro Nakashima (Founder) was deeply impressed by the following words that he encountered in his younger days: “It may seem that the lazy and sly get ahead in the world. However, the world is actually a place where the people who strive in sincerity and earnestness are the winners in the long run.” He held the belief that “the world is fairer than you imagine.” When faced with difficulties, Toichiro would consider what was true and what was right, and always strove for originality and ingenuity. Throughout his life he continued to show gratitude toward all those who helped him. These words inherited from Toichiro were included in the Kewpie Group corporate principles up to 1992.
December 2018, we drew up "Kewpie Group 2030 VISION" as a long-term vision. It summarizes what we should be, what we hope to realize and what value we are looking to provide to society toward 2030 to achieve "Our Ideal."
Our founder started a business with desire to help improving the physiques and health of the Japanese people by making delicious and nutritious mayonnaise. The Kewpie Group has been creating many happier smiles at each dining scene in Japan and the world.
We continue to communicate the deliciousness and value of salads and eggs to customers around the world. Also, we would like to contribute to cultivate a healthy food culture tailored for each country by utilizing the technologies of processing foods and superior quality.
In addition, the Kewpie Group has strength and uniqueness, and deeply engage in various scenes of "eating", such as home-cooked meals, ready-made foods and restaurants, throughout the lifetime of people from infants to the elders.
By considering closely the diverse and everyone's lifestyles, we will be striving for people to make feel connected to each other, and to support healthy eating habits.
Furthermore, we will support the mental and physical health of the children who are creating future, and will execute various sustainability activities inside and outside the company, to enable us to sustain and leave a better global environment and society in the future.
In April 2021, with starting FY2021-FY2024 Medium-Term Business Plan, we partially updated the content of the 2030 VISION. In order to achieve "Our Ideal," we continue to drive initiatives that focus on the three perspectives set forth in the 2030 VISION.